Gum Grafts

The most common causes of gum recession include:

  • Genetics — In some people the gum that forms over certain teeth is just too thin. Even normal functioning can strip the gum away.

  • Trauma — Brushing too hard or using a tooth brush that is too hard can cause the gum to be worn away.

  • Adverse muscle pull — In some patients muscle fibers from the lips develop too high near the margin of the gum. Then everytime you eat or smile these fibers pull on the gumline. Over time, this results in recession.


How is gum recession corrected?
The thick, resistant type of gum that has been lost due to recession must be replaced to reinforce the tooth. We typically take a very small square of gum from the roof of the mouth near the molar teeth on one side. This donor gum is then transplanted to the area where thicker gum is needed. This procedure is highly successful.


What can you expect?
The procedure itself will be entirely painless. After the numbness wears off, there are two areas that need to heal:

  1. The area where the gum is placed this newly attached gum is fragile and you will need to alter your normal habits to protect it for a few days (e.g. eat soft foods and chew on the other side).
  2. The area from where the gum was taken this is usually more uncomfortable in the first few days. You will be able to eat and speak, but will most probably prefer soft foods for a few days.